all of my parts have come back from paint. In the time I was waiting for them, I finished calibrating the fuel tank gauge and tested out all of the instrument. I laid out a wiring schematic and I found a 12 pin power cable plug/socket combination that will serve as a quick disconnect between the fuselage and the Canopy. I want to be able to quickly remove the canopy because I will be hanging the robin from the rafters of my friends hanger. Under me will be 4 sailplanes.
canopy Frame and Yarmulke |
The fwd hinge of the canopy is actually an open hook. The canopy will have to be rotated beyond 90 degrees to release it. there will be two side latches that have yet to be fabricated, that lock the canopy down. The next job I have to work on is modifying the instrument panel bulkhead to add the knee relief we saw that I needed when my friend Mike was sitting in it.
Instrument Panel |
Its pretty obvious in this view the modification that needs to be done to the panel Bulkhead. Beneath the canopy is a horizontal foam and glass shear panel. this too will be cut back to the intermediate foam rib shown in the previous picture. The instruments for the first flight will be a combination CHT/EGT temp gauge, fuel gauge, inclinometer, airspeed and AGL altimeter. Later I will install an Audio Vario in the upper left. The lower middle will be used for a Velcro mount of my I Phone and Hand held VHF radio.
Rear fairing being bonded in place |
After I trimmed the rear fairing to accommodate the elevator travel, I realized the fairing would be quite narrow and prone to damage if the whole fairing was left on the Horizontal. S i carefully cut the fairing in two and waxed the inside of the lower fairing. I then set the upper and lower fairing back into the mold and laid up a flange that is bonded to the upper fairing only. This will make a nice clean break and keep the fairing halves bonded to their mating structure.
Vert Fin tip cap |
pretty self explanatory!!!
Rudder Tip cap |
Same with the rudder, looks like my thumb was covering the lens of my I-phone.
In addition to working on the previous components, I cleaned the Shop and re arranged the equipment to clear the wing tips. The only problem is when i reinstall the wings, I cannot get around in the shop. So I have decided to construct a center set of saw horses to elevate the fuselage 3 feet, I will also build two supports for the wings. I am not very happy with my wing attach design, because I will be redesigning the wings to reduce weight, I have also decided to make a fixed center section and have an external joint. The new design will allow for rapid installation of the wings and automatic disconnect for the ailerons.
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