
IT'S HERE!!!!!

My Casler 1/2 VW just arrived. I just started unpacking it. Here are some pictures. I need to finish the Tiafun first however. 

my new Casler

 Thank You Scott!!!

Tiafun Cowl repair cont.


I got back from Brazil Thursday morning. After a day of nonstop sleep I got back to work on the cowl repair. I finished cleaning up the internal blister layup and blend sanded the new laminate into the existing laminate. 
inside ply's trimmed and blended
most structural glass repairs only need one inch per ply overlap to fully develop the tensile strength of the ply. In the case of the blister, this was a 6 ply repair with 3 structural plys on the inside and outside, each layer overlapping the existing laminate by 1 inch. This is truly overkill, but meets the requirement of restoring original capability, plus one ply. I will spray the inside of the cowl with a grey trunk paint and this damage will be completely hidden. The outside micro balloon and epoxy was completely cured when I got back from my trip. I rough sanded the micro with 100 grit sandpaper with my orbital DA sander. This reduced the high points and leveled most of the surface. There will always be slight pin holes left that will need to be filled with Pinhole filler or spot putty.

micro balloon blend sanded
This picture shows the micro balloon after it was rough blended with the DA. The surface is wave free but there are still small pin holes and very shallow applicator marks. I followed up with the DA by using a flexible rubber sanding block with 180 grit paper. This served to further level the surface. This cowl is very easy to blend out because there is severe contour. The hardest surface to make smooth, level and wave free is a flat surface. For that type of contour I will usually stop at this point and spay the surface with a sand able primer. A long sanding stick quickly shows high and low spots. I usually try to level the surface with a combination of sanding and spot putty fill. Spot putty is designed to adhere to primer paint.
catalyzed spot putty
This is my preferred spot putty. This is far superior to the Auto-Zone lacquer based products.  This material is catalyzed like auto body filler. Its ready for sanding in 10 minutes. The cycle time of your products makes all the difference in speeding up the repair. I could have used light weight auto body fill in place of the epoxy micro in the earlier step, but since I knew I would be in Brazil for 5 days, I knew the time didn't matter. Epoxy Micro is a very strong filler and is superior to Automotive bondo.

blended spot putty
 This is what the spot putty looked like after an initial rough sanding with 100 grit. I finished the feathering with 180 grit and there was hardly any left.

There was one other issue with this cowl and that was a corner Dzus fastener had pulled thru the cowl laminate. Normally I would look for an oversize repair fastener and enlarge the existing hole with a step drill or tapered reamer. I would then install a repair fastener. But that would require a crimp tool and a special set of repair washers. This fastener fit just fine but had no retention on the back side of the laminate. So I cleaned the metal with  rotary wire wheel and sand blasted the metal to a dull finish. I then mixed some T-88 structural epoxy adhesive with a small amount of chopped cotton fiber. I then bonded the Dzus fastener back in place and formed a fillet around the inside surface. This will stop the fastener from backing out.The main difference between structural epoxy adhesive and epoxy laminating resin is the addition of molecules of an elastomeric. This dramatically increases the peel strength of the adhesive and stops all tendency for  delamination

This lower cowl had been repaired previously after the original nose gear collapse. I have noticed that the door underwent extensive reconstruction and is over 1/2" thick in some places. The leading edge of the door sits below the existing contour and quite frankly looks terrible. I am thinking about blending the the existing contour to the door contour after I rework the door hinges to slightly lower it. The idea is to get a smooth surface when the climb door is closed for soaring. That will be the subject of the next entry in the blog. My friends at the airport have repositioned the Tiafun fuselage into a larger hanger where I will have full access to the engine. Since the plane skidded on its fwd engine mount, I am unsure of the actual condition of the metal engine mount. There is flaking paint on the mount and I suspect its just a bad paint job, but I will pull the engine and remove the mount so I can sand blast it and inspect the for cracks. Dan has already bought a new Saur fwd engine mount that fits like the original. I will prime the mount with zinc chromate and finish with a polyurethane top coat. The last thing you want to do is powder coat any aircraft parts.Powder coating is a plastic film that is fused to the metal in an oven. It doesn't not have any ability to act as a rust conversion coat and in a short period of time it will develop cracks and water will migrate.

Casler update and Tiafun Motorglider cowl repair

I guess I have more blog readers than I thought. Some of you folks cornered Scott Casler at Oshkosh last week and pushed him into starting the build on my Engine. Wont be long now!!

In the mean time, I finally finished a big side modification job and I was able to clear the decks and start on the repair of Dan Stofman's Tiafun Motorglider. 3 years ago when I went out to the SSA western workshop in Tehachapi CA, I met Dan who was a friend of Murry Rozansky, treasurer of the ESA and the guy who invited me to speak. While I was there a beautiful Tiafun Motorglider taxied up to the restaurant. Dan remarked that  was looking for that very plane. Two weeks later I was browsing the Chartis /AIG insurance salvage list and I found a Tiafun in Moriarty New Mexico. I called Dan and sent him the link. He threw a really low ridiculous bid against it and guess what?? He won. So Dan flew out to Texas and we grabbed my flat bed trailer and pick up truck and drove to New Mexico. The plane had made a hard landing in Grants New Mexico and collapsed the nose gear. The prop struck and she settled down on the front cowl. The plane was sent to a repair facility in Moriarty and Chartis paid around 50k to put a brand new Sauer 90 hp VW conversion engine and a brand new MT electric prop. The shop worked on the plane for two years. The original mechanic on the project quit and when the second finished the repairs, the plane was being taxied to the run up area and the nose gear collapsed again!!! The second Mechanic did not know that the rigging was incomplete.  Chartis got fed up with the whole affair and put it up for salvage. Enter my friend Dan!!

Dan and his new bird

It took us 8 hours to securely load and rig the plane and then another 13 hours back on the road to Midlothian

we had to add an 8 foot extension to the trailer
The primary damage to the plane was the prop, lower cowl, gear door and the actuator linkage. I sent the Prop back to MT in Miami and they rebuilt the whole prop. For $500 more we could have bought a new one. We figured the main components should be good, after all, the engine prop combination only has .8 hours total time!! I had a local IA inspect the engine run out and he found no signs of a bent crank. The blades were wood covered in Fiberglass, so they absorbed all of the impact damage and protected the engine.

The main damage to the cowl was the grinding down of a chin blister that once was used to streamline the original motor mount.

Ground down chin blister
The only other damage on the cowl was severe gel-coat cracking. I took the cowl out the the Airport and trial fitted it back to the fuselage. I wanted to check if I had any clearance issues with the Sauer engine mount.

clearance check
After looking at the new mount, I realized that the old blister was not really needed with the new engine. The cowl however has blend contour from the base loft to a blister surface. Rather than rework a much larger section, I decided to restore the original blister contour.
I started the process by cleaning up the blister opening.

Dotco motor with flapper wheel
 I cleaned out the opening using a sanding flapper wheel. I then went back to my old faithful technique of using floral urethane foam to shape the actual blister.

floral foam
 The opening was larger than the stock block size so I pre-fit two blocks together and very carefully bonded them along the very lower edge in the middle of the block. The idea is to locate the glue below your final contour so the glue doesn't interfere with the shaping.

5 minute epoxy
I like to use 5 minute wherever I can get away with it. I have no patience!! Both blocks were bonded to the exposed edge of the cowl. After it cured I carved the rough shape using a hacksaw blade.

Rough cuts
The plan here is to rough in a side view and plan view. I want to get within 1/2" of the final shape. The next step is to sand in a tangent edge. This edge will be tangent to the existing cowl contour. I use a sanding stick with 36 grit. No sense in wasting your time!!

side tangent sanding

edge tangent sanding
Now the magic happens with this process, the foam is used to sand the foam. This is why I paid careful attention to keep the glue line below contour. A block of scrap is used alternately on the left, then right side to sand the foam. The contour is constantly being transferred back and forth between the two pieces of foam. The result is almost perfectly wave free and a spherical surface.

front view after final sanding

side view after final sanding

See how pretty and easy this method is!! I have used this to build full size fuselage masters, repair Corvettes, Sailplanes and power boats. You will recall in the previous blog entry's I made my cowl. The next step was to sand back about one inch the existing gel coat.

1 inch of Gel Coat removed
The next step is to layup the fiberglass repair ply's. I like to used the old Burt Rutan Hexcel 7725 BID cloth. Its about 8 oz/yd sq and lays up about .010" per ply. I didn't bother to pre-fit these ply's, I just draped them over the foam and wet out the glass from the outside.I laid 3 bid ply's and one very thin final ply that will require very little final fill in its weave.

3 ply's of BID and one ply of fine cloth

The next day the laminate was fully cured thanks to living here in the Texas summer autoclave!!
I feather sanded the edges with my Dotco and 4 inch disk. This cut away the excess cloth and tapered the glass into the 1 inch area I removed the gel coat from/

feather sanded edges
The next step was to sand out the sever gel coat cracks. I decide to fill all of these deep cracks with a mixture of Microballoon and Epoxy. This makes for a very strong, but sand able filler surface. I let that final mixture cure overnight again. This however usually takes an extra day to cure to the hardness needed to fine sand without loading up the paper.

sanded gel coat cracks
Microballoon filler

The next day I flipped the cowl over and removed the old foam core. A wire wheel on the Dotco removes the foam in about 10 seconds. You could also sand blast it, but that's  bigger mess.

Dotco and Wire cup
And just like that, its gone!!!!

Foam be gone!!!
Again I sanded away the interior paint up to an inch away from the repair. I also taper sanded the main cowl into the inside of the blister. I then added three more internal structural ply's wetting them out without trimming.

internal repair ply.
 This is now up to date at this time. I am going to let everything cure up for the next week. I am leaving for a short business trip back to Brazil on Saturday. I will be back next Thursday and I will complete the rest of this repair and update the Blog in my next entry.