
Still waiting for the Casler Engine

I have another 3 months to go before I get the engine. I wrote Scott Casler to make sure he didn't forget me.
I have asked a Woman who works with me at Triumph/Vought to help with the redesign of the wing and landing gear. Once Michelle has some preliminary drawings of the new wing I will post some. The new wing will be similar to the Woodstock wing and will look more like the original Fournier wing. The wing will be all wood and be a tapered design. There is a very significant weight savings due to a tapered wing. The big disadvantage of a tapered wing id poor stall characteristics. I am going to use two different low speed laminar airfoils chosen to have a constant coefficient of lift at the local Reynolds number. This will emulate a square Hershey bar wing with a tendency to stall in the root first. I do not want to mechanically twist or wash out the wing because it is really inefficient.

The landing gear will go back to a single wheel with out riggers. Again this is similar to the original RF4D and is very weight efficient.

Thats really all I have to report right now. Hopefully I will have some preliminary drawings to show in the near future.