
Casler 1/2 VW

Just a quick update, I have ordered a Scott Casler 1/2 VW engine. I'm tired of being in the engine manufacturing business. Unfortunatly Scott is so busy, I have to wait another 6 months for the engine. In the mean time, i am working on a complete redesign that will make the Robin look even more like her namesake the Fournier RF4D. I purchased a set of Woodstock plans and I intend to incorporate a similar wing. I will go back to the single mono wheel and will fix it for the ultralight version. I bought a N/C router a while back and my redesign will take advantage of this. Eventually I would like to sell an experimental and ultralight version powered by full and 1/2 VW engines. I will fly my current plane and incorporate all lessons learned.


  1. Scott seems to be a very straight-shooter, and I've heard nothing but good about his work. Glad to hear you're headed in this direction. :-)

  2. VERY interested in seeing your work on the 1/2VW powerplant! Keep it up!!
