
New Paint Schemes

My Friend Bill Dale came through in spades, he laid out a number of design possibilities. I have chosen the one shown in the header, but here were other possibilities. Unfortunately I have been traveling again and have not made as much progress as I would have liked.

Covering part 2 (R/H wing) additional pictures

This is just a quick update, I have the bottom surface of the wing covered. one area I discovered that could be a problem with bonded skin, is the aft portion of the lower surface of the main rib. There is a reverse curve or cusp at the Trailing edge. When the fabric is shrunk, there will be a tendency for this area to pull away.if it does, I will rib stitch the aft portion of every rib, but in the mean time I decided to add two cloth tapes on the inside of each rib. This should react the cleaving or pulling forces.

shear webs
the lower surface was added first, this allow for a overlap of the upper surface fabric such that the seam faces aft.

the lower fabric has only been partially shrunk @250 degrees. after the upper surface is on, both surfaces will be final shrunk to 300 degrees.

Fwd Fairing covered

The fwd fairing came out really nice.
I have some repair work to do on the L/H wing and then I will cover it. The Fuselage is last, everything else is covered.


R/H wing top view
 both upper and lower surfaces are covered. Cable exit doubler is shown in this view, Tomorrow I will rib stitch the lat 12" of the inboard 6 ribs. this is required because the curvature of the airfoil reverses and tension on the fabric could pull the fabric off.


 view looking down the wing. i'm very pleased how smooth the wing is after cover.